

There are a variety of ways for parents to participate in their child’s Kindergarten experience:  in– and out-of-classroom volunteering, take-home materials preparation, class parties, and numerous PTO activities. Please do not feel that you will be missing out if you are a working parent or a parent who is busy caring for younger siblings at home.  Each family has its own unique gift to share with the class and we can be creative in the many ways that contributions are made. 

For parents who do participate within the classroom, please read and respect the following guidelines.  Strict adherence to these  guidelines will assure that your presence in the classroom is beneficial to you, the children and the teachers.

1. Each child in our class is precious and deserves to be treated with patience,     dignity and love.  Please speak kindly to the children, watch for signs of frustration and suggest mid-steps to more complex steps if a child seems “stuck.”2. Keep in mind that ALL that you see, hear or deduce about the children around you is CONFIDENTIAL information.  All people who work in school settings must be vigilant in this area; please be ready to comply with this requirement if you wish to volunteer in our school.  If you overhear sensitive information, please do not repeat it anywhere.  This includes information about children working with special needs teachers, children working with advanced concepts and/or behaviors witnessed in the classroom.  This extends to all areas of the school including the office and teacher workrooms.  3. Please prepare your child for your visit.  Make him/her aware that you are there to help all the children.  I will make every effort to allow your child to participate in the first group with which you work.  After your child has finished the activity s/he must be prepared to move on to other assignments and activities and to go about his/her normal business.  4. I will always provide you with a time frame regarding when I will expect you to arrive and leave the classroom.  When it is time for you to leave, DO say goodbye to your child before leaving.  Prolonged goodbyes are difficult for some children and can be distracting to the class. 

PLEASE NOTE:  If any of the above guidelines prove to be repeatedly difficult for you or your child, it may be counter-productive for you to work directly in the classroom.  We all have one goal in common---improving and assisting learning.  There are many ways for parents to contribute to this goal and we will work together to find a positive solution.Finally, thank you for sharing your time and talents with us.  The children really enjoy the extra attention they receive from you and I am most grateful for your interest and support.