Behavior Management

Our classroom rules include:

* Be kind to others

* Listen to teacher the first time 

* Work and play saftely

* Talk quietly indoors 

* Always do your best work 

     I believe in having high expectations of the children to follow classroom rules and to help them understand the reasons behind rules.  I want all of the children to have the opportunity to learn and for no student to keep another student from being able to learn.  I strive to provide a safe and comfortable learning environment for the children in which we work and live as a team in our classroom.      Behavior is one of the most important elements of the school day. If behavior is out of control, then learning is not possible. I use a 5 step method in my classroom. The steps are as follows:

 1. Everyone begins with a smile.

2. Warning

3. “Uh Oh” face  (5 minutes time out – recess or fun activity)

4. Warning  (10 minutes time out –recess or fun activity)

5. Sad face  (15 minutes time out – recess or fun activity and call to parent) 

      I don’t believe in a child’s day being “over” because of poor choices so I allow students to move up and down during the day. For example, if a student made very poor choices in the morning, but had worked hard and tried his or her best for the afternoon, they can “redeem” themselves from their Uh Oh face or Sad face and end the day with a smile .Students who have earned all smiles at the end of the week will get to choose a small treat on Friday. At the end of each month, a progress report will go home to you and a copy should be signed and returned to school.